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Call for Submissions: #AFSTRAT – What is the Air Force Strategy?

During a period of unprecedented change, the Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld, AO, DSC recently released The Air Force Strategy (AFSTRAT) to transition the Royal Australian Air Force from a bespoke force of standalone capabilities to a networked force capable of delivering air and space power effects for the Joint Force. It comprises the following five lines of effort to evolve the Air Force to face the challenges of an increasingly competitive and less predictable geopolitical environment:

  • Delivering air and space power as a component of the Joint Force;

  • Developing an intelligent and skilled workforce;

  • Deepening relationships and strengthening the Air Force’s engagement;

  • Evolving the Air Force culture;

  • Building agile and coherent governance.

The concept of strategy has always attracted a great deal of interest from military thinkers and scholars alike. In this context, where does AFSTRAT fit? To respond to this question, The Central Blue is proud to announce its latest series ‘What is the Air Force Strategy?’ The series aims to build on Australia’s long-standing tradition of commitment to strategic thought by inviting contributions from all parties - from any rank in any Defence or military, academia, think tanks or policy commentators.

Contributors are asked to provide their perspectives on AFSTRAT; specifically, if and how it will ensure the Royal Australian Air Force generates sustainable and resilient air and space power within the Joint Force. Some themes on which contributors may wish to write might include:

  • What is AFSTRAT’s purpose, and what barriers might it face in achieving it?

  • What difference will it make, and is it even necessary?

  • Is it visionary or a roadmap, an abstract aspiration or actionable plan?

  • Who would implement it, and how?

  • How well aligned is it to Strategic Update 2020 and the Joint Force’s future Air and Space Power needs?

  • Authors can also choose to write about their perspectives on the practical implementation of a specific line of effort.

Contributors’ insight and analysis for this series will inform the understanding of AFSTRAT by not only the Joint Force but also the wider Air Force. There is no better time to start or join this conversation by sending your thoughts to: Contributions should be no more than 2,000 words (see The Central Blue’s submission guidelines for more details). Submissions are already open and will continue to be accepted until 30 October 2020.


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