Toward the end of 2020, The Central Blue made a call for submissions to answer the question: #AFSTRAT – What is the Air Force Strategy? The series aimed to build on Australia’s long-standing tradition of commitment to strategic thought by inviting contributions from all parties - from any rank in any Defence or military, academia, think tanks or policy commentators. Contributors were asked to provide their perspectives on AFSTRAT; specifically, if and how it will ensure the Royal Australian Air Force generates sustainable and resilient air and space power within the Joint Force. These longer contributions (of up to 2,000 words) were published on our website.

This call for submission aims to focus on the question:
How can you help make the #AFSTRAT a reality?
We are not looking for long, essay-style submissions but rather shorth, pithy responses - no longer than 250 words.
Contributions will be accepted until the end of February with submissions published in early 2021.